Rodent Control Nashville TN | Mice Exterminator | Rat Pest Control

Nobody wants to share their home with mice and rats. So, when you’ve got a rodent population in your house, just let us know. Waynes Pest Control has fifty years of experience in the industry with Waynes University-educated, specialized professionals ready to solve your problem. To date, we’ve provided affordable pest control for 150,000+ customers through environmentally friendly traps and sustainable removal services, and we’re here to help you with our highly effective Nashville rodent control.

Nashville Rodent Control: The Waynes Pest Control Solution

Rodents cause tremendous damage to homes in Nashville while also spreading diseases and fleas. So, not surprisingly, rodent control services are a core part of what Waynes Pest Control provides. From mice to rats, we take them out of the equation in even the trickiest situations. 

We serve Nashville and surrounding areas

Zip Codes

36711, 37010, 37013, 37014, 37016, 37022, 37027, 37031, 37032, 37046, 37048, 37049, 37062, 37064, 37066,

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CALL 615-224-8329

Common Rodents in Nashville 

Rats and mice are abundant in Tennessee, including in Nashville, with multiple types of each species. Some of the kinds we typically handle include these: 

  • Rats: Common types include the brown rat as well as the roof rat with the latter type also called ship rats or black rats. They’ll usually settle in your basement or ground floor once they get in your house, but some species prefer attics and other higher locations in your home. 
  • Mice: The house mouse loves to gnaw through a home, and they are the most common species. Others that may get into your Nashville home include harvest mice, deer mice,  and meadow jumping mice. 

With our Nashville rodent control services, we’ll identify the species bothering you—and then efficiently and affordably take care of your problem.

What Attracts Rats and Mice to Homes in Nashville?

In short, free food, water, and lodging. Like other species, this is what rodents need to survive and then thrive. Some rodent species will define a “meal” in pretty broad ways, too, since these critters are omnivorous. When we say that they’ll eat just about anything, we’re not kidding. Some mice will even consider cables and wiring a feast. 

As rodents hang around outdoors in the summer, the situation in your home may be calmer. But, once winter looms and cooler temperatures arrive, they’ll hunt out a home. So, make your house less appealing to them so they don’t call it “home.”