How to Get Your Lawn Spring-Ready | Waynes
  1. How to Get Your Lawn Spring-Ready


How to Get Your Lawn Spring-Ready

Spring is here, and it's time to say goodbye to those snow shovels (well, not really for us Southerners). Now, let's shift our focus to something more appropriate for us fair-weather folks – your lawn! The key to kicking off spring lawn care is giving it the chance to wake up slowly with the warmer weather. If you get it right, the sun and soil will do the heavy lifting for you. Your dreamy, lush lawn is just a few steps away. 

Clear Away Winter Waste

Winter can be tough on your lawn, leaving behind a mess of pine needles, leaves, cones, twigs, and more. Cleaning up this debris is not just about aesthetics; it's important for your lawn's health. If you leave it, the debris acts like a barrier, blocking out the oxygen and sunlight your grass needs. Now, don't go crazy with the rake – be energetic but gentle. The goal is to tidy up without harming the sturdy roots of your grass. Pick a day when your lawn isn't too wet and the temperature is above 40 degrees for the best results.

Weed Out Unwanted Guests

With warmer weather, not only does your grass grow, but so do weeds. Keep an eye out for these uninvited guests and tackle them early on. Pull the emergent weeds out manually, roots and all, or consider using a pre-emergent herbicide before they even show up.  If weeding is not your cup of tea, the lawn experts at Waynes can lend a hand.

Maintain Your Lawn Mower

Before your lawn starts growing like crazy, make sure your mower is up to the task. Install a new spark plug, swap out the oil, lubricate the fittings, replace the air filter, and, most importantly, sharpen the blades. A well-maintained mower ensures a clean cut, reducing the risk of diseases in your grass.


This involves cutting the grass significantly low to expose the stems and soil to sunlight. Scalping helps eliminate thatch, protects against diseases, allows more sunlight to reach the soil, and accelerates the growing process. Ideal for warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia.

Evaluate Your Soil's Condition

A healthy lawn starts with good soil. Check your soil's pH level and ensure it has adequate levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Aim for a pH between 6 and 7.5 and consider fertilizing if nutrient levels are lacking. Healthy soil sets the stage for robust grass growth.

Watering Your Lawn

Ensuring a healthy yard involves proper lawn watering. Effective watering techniques and a consistent schedule will support your lawn's well-being throughout spring and summer. A sprinkler system can help cover a large area quickly. If you don’t have one, a hose with a spray nozzle works well too. Be sure to water your lawn in the early mornings or late evenings when temperatures are cooler to prevent evaporation. 

Fertilize Your Lawn

Give your lawn a nutritional boost by fertilizing it. For the best results, apply your first round of fertilizer application in the spring, specifically by mid-April. Plan for the second application in mid-May. The last three applications should follow every six to eight weeks. You can make your own compost or choose from a variety of store-bought fertilizers. 

If you prefer to sit back and relax while the experts handle the work, Waynes is just a call away. Contact us at 866.WAYNES1, and let us take care of your lawn, so you can enjoy a barefoot-worthy lawn this summer!