Your Spring Green-Up: Factors and Strategies for a Lush Lawn
  1. Your Spring Green-Up: Factors and Strategies for a Lush Lawn

MARCH 21 2024 /

Your Spring Green-Up: Factors and Strategies for a Lush Lawn

It's not uncommon for homeowners to feel a twinge of concern when they notice neighboring lawns turning lush and green while theirs seem to lag behind. This blog discusses the many factors that influence how quickly (or slowly) grass emerges from dormancy, and a few tips for kickstarting the process.

Typically, as March and April roll in, temperatures begin to rise, prompting green growth in lawns. However, this warmth might only be sufficient for surface-level changes, such as greenery, without necessarily starting deeper processes like root growth or new growth within the soil, particularly for Bermuda and Zoysia grasses. Fun fact: the thickness of Zoysia turf tends to keep the soil cooler, making it slower to green up compared to Bermuda.

Nighttime temperatures also play a crucial role, needing to stay consistently above 55 degrees for several nights to fully awaken lawns from dormancy. Also, wet areas tend to green up slower due to the insulating effect of water (this requires more energy from the sun to warm the soil).

Factors like temperature fluctuations, turf thickness, shade levels, moisture content, and soil compaction further complicate the turf recovery equation.

But fear not! Here are a few things you can take into your own hands to enhance spring green-up:

1. Lower Mowing Height: Trimming the lawn shorter during early spring helps to open up the turf canopy, allowing soil temperatures to rise more quickly. This is often called scalping.

2. Raking and Loosening: Address any matted down areas of turf by raking or loosening them up in late winter or early spring to encourage airflow and growth.

3. Bagging the Initial Mowings: Consider bagging the grass clippings during the first few mowings of the season to prevent the spread of diseases and to tidy up the lawn.

4. Adopt Proper Mowing and Watering Habits: Consistently follow appropriate mowing heights and watering schedules throughout spring and summer to sustain healthy growth.

5. Aeration: Perform core aeration during the active growing season (April-September) to alleviate compaction and enhance nutrient absorption. Waynes can handle this for you - learn more HERE.

Additionally, professional lawn care service can take your lawn to the next level by stimulating healthy roots, killing weeds, and more. Learn about Waynes Lawn Care, or fill out this contact form to get a no-obligation quote today.